Dakota County Law Blog

A family law blog with real world legal advice

There was a another interesting post over at the Family Law Professor Blog this morning. It a link to an article in The Atlantic titled “How To Keep Parenthood from Making Your Marriage Miserable.” Me being me, I had to go read the article.  In turn (as the internet so often does) it lead me to…

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Apple Valley Divorce attorneys will explain to you that a putative spouse is generally defined by the law to mean a person who has cohabitated with another for a period of time with the understanding that they are married when they actually are not.  I know, in this day in age, it would be a hard sell…

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In the field of family law, there are laws in every state which provide who may perform a marriage ceremony. In most states, a person may perform a marriage ceremony if they meet certain prerequisite requirements. The requirements to perform a marriage ceremony include: Being over the age of 18 or 21; The official must…

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