Dakota County Law Blog

A family law blog with real world legal advice

There are so many reasons why I think divorces are terrible and too hard on families.  I love my wife and my little son dearly, I don’t even want to think about the thought of my little son living a life of divided parents.  For me, it’s just not right.

As a divorce lawyer, I understand that sometimes a divorce is necessary.  I have helped many clients navigate the process.  I understand the need for people to have the ability to divorce.  Having laws which allow two people to legally separate and get divorced are as fundamental as laws forbidding theft or murder.

Yet, as I’ve posted on this blog, I’m a child of divorced parents and I know how tough it can be on children – especially young ones.  I have often felt that my own situation has caused difficulties in my life which I wish weren’t there.  I understand that every person has difficulties and some have more than others.  However, I believe that children of divorced parents are simply at a disadvantage.

If it the end of the world?  No.  But, it certainly makes things a little tougher.  Especially around the holidays.

I like to think of myself as a family law lawyer with a heart.  I’m pro marriage.  I think people should stay married.  It’s better for the kids and I believe it is better for society in general.  I hope my wife and I never get divorced for many reasons, but a big one is because I want my son (and any future children) to have the best lives possible.  Staying married is a way to ensure that.

So, beyond the financial stress that divorces causes, I worry much more about families and children.  If you know you need to get a divorce, I understand that.  I understand that, sometimes, it is absolutely necessary.  I also understand that sometimes children are not involved.  Many people get married without thinking about the legal consequences, only to find out later that they made a poor decision.  No problem, just get a divorce and walk away.

I like to help people.  I like to make them feel comfortable.  I know that divorce lawyers provide a service to society and the legal system writ large.  From my experience in the law and from living, many people do not like nor respect the legal system.  I think that is too bad.  Much of the problem that people have probably stems from the bad personal experience they have had with the legal system.  Or, maybe they just choose to ignore it.  I’m not sure.

But, I do know that the legal system and divorce laws are absolutely necessary.  The laws are fundamental to a functioning society.  They are hallmark of a sophisticated legal system and society.  We must govern ourselves, after all.

But, I find it important to say that I love my wife and my family very much.  I don’t want to hurt the future of my son and I want him to have the best life possible.  One way to ensure that he has the best of all opportunities is to stay married and provide and example for him to live by.


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