Dakota County Law Blog

A family law blog with real world legal advice

In the bad idea department, Republican Senators in Minnesota seek to create a two-year waiting period in Minnesota for divorces. Let me start by stating that, in my humble estimation as a practicing Minnesota divorce lawyer, this bill is a really, really bad idea.  The sole benefit of a bill like this will be to make…

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Many family law courts in the United States have court-ordered, mandatory parenting classes for all separating or divorcing spouses who have children.  A good group of divorce lawyers will be able to point you in the right direction if you are going through a family law or divorce proceeding for the first time. Typically, states will…

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As a lawyer, I often look at a particular state’s laws and read the definitions of the words I am researching.  I have to know the word-by-word definitions of many legal terms and, at times, it can be very confusing.  Imagine what non-lawyers feel like when they are trying to understand the law. I would…

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