Dakota County Law Blog

A family law blog with real world legal advice

Seeking MN Child Support Guidance? How about child custody? Read on. Although its always sad when any couple with children must file for divorce, at least parents in this state can benefit from our clearly drafted custody and support statutes. Even a quick reading of Chapter 518 of the Domestic Relations statutes reveals that both…

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Any parent going through a Minnesota divorce has likely spent considerable time wondering about the potential impact the split could have on your kids. Parents commonly fear that the divorce will do lasting harm to their children, leaving emotional scars that they may never recover from. For this reason, some choose to stay together, for…

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Joseph M. Flanders councils divorce clients to participate in uncontested divorces, collaborative divorces, mediation, and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in all cases. It’s very rare that he will counsel clients to attend court or to ask the judge for relief.  This is because the court system tends to be cumbersome, slow, unresponsive, and unable to…

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